Day 19

Verify assessment details through on-demand visual evidence.

myLQA allows you to validate consultant feedback with our photo library add-on visually. Simply access any image captured during your assessment via the icon grid. See room, lobby, or exterior shots depicting precise areas needing improvement. 

With photos, feedback becomes crystal clear and actionable. Pinpoint issues (like dirty cutlery or unmade beds) that lowered department scores. Have the unquestionable proof you need to address problems head-on. 

For staff, it brings clarity and closure – seeing is understanding. For managers, it’s fuel for focused training and accountability. And for guests, it means elevated experiences.

The Visual Truth, The Visual Path Forward

Verify assessment details on demand with myLQA’s photo evidence grid and gain insight into the exact story behind your scores.

Join the waitlist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Verify assessment details through on-demand visual evidence.

myLQA allows you to validate consultant feedback with our photo library add-on visually. Simply access any image captured during your assessment via the icon grid. See room, lobby, or exterior shots depicting precise areas needing improvement. 

With photos, feedback becomes crystal clear and actionable. Pinpoint issues (like dirty cutlery or unmade beds) that lowered department scores. Have the unquestionable proof you need to address problems head-on. 

For staff, it brings clarity and closure – seeing is understanding. For managers, it’s fuel for focused training and accountability. And for guests, it means elevated experiences.

The Visual Truth, The Visual Path Forward

Verify assessment details on demand with myLQA’s photo evidence grid and gain insight into the exact story behind your scores.

Join the waitlist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.